Welcome to KitchenHomelet!

Our new site is developed from scratch for all homeowners who need help with the latest and the most desirable products for their home and kitchen in general. We will test each product that looks appealing and that is popular on the market or simply a new addition to the market. You will be able to read the reviews in detail at any given moment and to determine if that product is for you and should you purchase it.

Our mission

Our mission is far more complex than it may look. We don’t want just to write a plain review of a kitchen gadget or home-based product. Not at all. We want to test each product and see how it performs in the real world and in real case scenarios. To do precisely that, we will test products in various kitchens and actual homes. Maybe it sounds like overkill, but this is mandatory for all and each product you will need in your kitchen and in your home. After all, you need the best and the most efficient product, period.


In order to provide you with accurate and useful information, we have develope a team of professionals. Among them, there are engineers, chemists, chefs, home décor experts and of course, homeowners. We also have a special team of housewives who will be responsible for testing more specific products and tools. There is no need to add each product that will be tested in its natural surrounding and for the purpose, it was developed for. Regardless of how complex or simple they are, we will invest hours and hours of rigorous tests.


After testing, each product will be properly reviewed. We will share all the specifics and all the details regarding the product and how it performed. This makes things easier for you. After you have read the review, you will be able to determine if that particular product is something you should consider as soon as possible or something you should skip.

Home Allies

From now on, consider us as your home allies and your friends who will finally stop wasting money on useless things and help you get the ones that actually work and offer the quality. In the near future, we will test and review the simplest products, the most advanced and also those that are mandatory for each and every home and kitchen. Thank you for your time and stay tuned.